The purpose of the Mission Outreach Committee is to develop the presbytery’s mission strategy and promote mission involvement in its local congregations. Contact Connie Quinn.

Ten years ago Mission Outreach Committee of Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery felt called to Native ministry. We went to Tube City, Arizona to work with the Navajo Nation but soon realized that the fit was not right. The following year our presbytery visited with Dakota Presbytery, a non-geographical presbytery made up of four states—North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota and Montana.
In 2021 Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery was requested to help train commissioned ruling elders for Ministry by visiting and conducting workshops in Dakota Presbytery.

The mission of the Malawi Task Force is to promote and energize the relationship between Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery and Domasi Presbytery. We believe that both presbyteries will mature spiritually through prayer, communication, hospitality, and personal exchange.
Funds were recently raised to provide water for the prison supported by the Concord Congregation. We completed a well project for the Zomba Prison and are considering another for the Stanley Chimesya prison in Domasi. The inmates at Zomba are now able to take showers and have clean drinking water.
For more information about this committee, please contact Mary McElroy.

PeaceMaking subcommittee is responsible for discovering those areas within and beyond the boundaries of the presbytery where there are opportunities for Christian witness in the realm of peacemaking and social justice
For more information Contact Committee Chair Ruth Ellen Bates or the office.

UOV Labyrinth Ministries
UOV Labyrinth Ministries seeks to provide “Introduction to the Labyrinth as a Spiritual Tool” workshops and “Labyrinth Walks” in various church locations throughout the presbytery to provide spiritual support for presbytery leaders and congregations. It is the subcommittee’s hope that by introducing the Labyrinth as a spiritual tool, workshop and walk participants might also begin to explore other Christian spiritual tools and disciplines as ways of deepening their discipleship and spiritual life.
A $7,000 Innovation Grant received from the Synod of the Trinity in March 2023 enabled UOV Labyrinth Ministries to obtain a portable twenty-four foot canvas Chartres style Labyrinth and other resources to begin this ministry.
The Bethlehem United Presbyterian Church, Wheeling, WV, is a 2024 Sponsor of UOV Labyrinth Ministries. It has contributed $200 or more to support this ministry in 2024. To become a 2025 Sponsor, host a no cost Labyrinth Workshop and Walk in 2024 and contribute $200 or more to support this ministry in 2025.
Congregations and presbytery leaders are encouraged to contact uovlabrinthministries@gmail.com or to call the presbytery office at 304-232-3490 to schedule a workshop and walk at their location.