Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit . We commit ourselves; To nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, to build an inclusive and caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church USA and witnesses to the promise of God’s Kingdom.

2024 Officers


  • MODERATOR: Nancy DeStefano
  • SECRETARY: Alcinda James
  • TREASURER: Catherine Maxwell
  • HISTORIAN: Mary McElroy

Welcome to the Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible study, What My Grandmothers Taught Me: Learning from the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus.

Tamar, Rahab, Ruth, Bathsheba, and Mary—Matthew names these women for a reason. How might Jesus have heard the stories of his grandmothers? What might the young Jesus have felt as he heard about his family? What might the stories of these women have added to his sense of identity, as part of a particular family in a particular time and place?

Have you thought about Jesus’ grandmothers? What can these Grandmothers-of-the-Faith teach us? Their stories will lead us into the gospel, the good news about Jesus Christ. By exploring these stories together, we will have a richer idea of what the good news is.
The Womens circles will be using this for their studies this year.

For more information contact Alcinda James or Mary McELory